Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year Resolutions
1. Donate blood atleast 3 times a year
2. Join an NGO and contribute 10 hours per week atleast for their cause.
3. Talk to wockhardt hospital or apollo and see if you can volunteer your services/time
4. more time with family
5. Get atleast one certification like Java or CISCO or Linux
6. Run 20 km every week
7. Get the Allianz francaise certification
8. Gym 3 times a week atleast

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Points to Ponder

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. Stop verbalizing thoughts. Draw diagrams, doodle on a napkin, create hideous powerpoint slides, draw on cave walls with charcoal sticks if you have to - graphic is the way to go
  2. Beware of dogma. Fight it relentlessly. Fight it by convincing actions. Don't fight dogma with dogma.
  3. If you love Paul Coelho then your heart is in the right place! 
  4. Trust not a man who does not benchpress, he is given to tricks strategies and stratagems. - adapted from Shakespeare
  5. Process and innovation may sound orthogonal as objectives. But they aren't necessarily so. Innovative processes and processes for innovation are common. Process is a conduit....innovation is the destination. Ignore the balance sheet. That is a given, if the road and destination are clear.
  6. If you are headed in the wrong direction stop and turn 180 degrees
  7. The right time to stop doing the wrong thing is right now
  8. Do not make people conform. Embrace eccentricities. We crave individuality and we then hire intelligent people and expect them to fall in line and lose their identities and individualistic perspectives. The ones who conform might have suppressed angst or might lose their identities and become plain. And plain is tasteless.
  9. The human state is meant to make about 5 good friends and meet 1 or 2 kindred spirits in their lifetime. Anything else is an unrealistic expectation. All others are acquaintances.
  10. Read Khalil Gibran, Omar Khayyam and Rumi - to experience joy.
  11. Constantly guard against anger. It is a poison tree that eats you from within.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our own  battles
We are all warriors in our own right, fighting our own battles.
Some battles are worth fighting for; some are not worth the time or the effort.
Some battles carry a huge cost, the emotional cost.
Some battles seem to be never ending. Some battles end surprisingly quickly.
Some victories are witnessed and acknowledged and appreciated by those close to us.
Some victories are silent ones. The final act sounding the end of a battle could be something quaint like a mail or a phone call or handshake.
Some end badly with quite a gale of bitter memories and words spewing out back and forth; embittered souls.
Few rarely lead to blows; albeit those being the easiest to heal.
And then there are those battles which seem to end only to flare up. One would give anything to see the white flag.
All the while one wonders, 'should I have been doing something better than this. Life is too short to be spent worrying and fighting. Is it the human state to be in a constant state of flux'