Our own battles
We are all warriors in our own right, fighting our own battles.
Some battles are worth fighting for; some are not worth the time or the effort.
Some battles carry a huge cost, the emotional cost.
Some battles seem to be never ending. Some battles end surprisingly quickly.
Some victories are witnessed and acknowledged and appreciated by those close to us.
Some victories are silent ones. The final act sounding the end of a battle could be something quaint like a mail or a phone call or handshake.
Some end badly with quite a gale of bitter memories and words spewing out back and forth; embittered souls.
Few rarely lead to blows; albeit those being the easiest to heal.
And then there are those battles which seem to end only to flare up. One would give anything to see the white flag.
All the while one wonders, 'should I have been doing something better than this. Life is too short to be spent worrying and fighting. Is it the human state to be in a constant state of flux'