Sunday, December 21, 2008

Does GOD Blog?

I just could not resist this blog post title. Of course, if God did blog that would be interesting would it not? I surely hope God has a sense of humor when he reads this blog post.

Does God exist? A simple naive question like that throws open the floodgates for a whole slew of possible answers. Does it not? Is there even an answer, I wonder. If God does exist, what does God look like. Over the millenniums humanity has stretched its imagination to render some very vivid icons of God.

God has been represented as an elderly benevolent bearded man carrying a staff, as a man with 4 heads in 4 different directions, as an angry woman riding a tiger. Each symbolism surpasses the previous one or so it seems. Do we depict God in the likeness of human shape because we are vain and assume that we as a species are the most highly evolved?

But there are cultures where God is represented as something inanimate like a green tree or a fiery bush. Is it possible that God is formless and has a booming omniscient echoing voice. One wonders at these possibilities. What does the symbol say about the culture? Do sophisticated cultures represent God in more subtle ways and do degenerate societies indulge in grotesque representations. Who decides which is grotesque and which is sublime?

Do we need to see, touch feel God in order to believe in God? And if one does not believe in God is one doomed. And what does it mean to be doomed - does one lose the chance to enter Heaven. Does Heaven really exist. If so, does'nt living a good life suffice to earn to ticket to Heaven?

If one does not believe in God does that mean that that person is a bad person. What is a bad person anyway? Someone who does not conform in a general sense to the law of society? If someone challenges existing dogma instead of abiding by it, would that make them bad?

But if God created human beings without the ability to perceive God through the senses (touch, hearing, smell, sight) then does it not mean that God cannot expect the creation to know God.
But do we have the sense to perceive God and just do not realize it. Are dreams the channel to perceive God. What about conscience - is that a channel to speak with God?

Plenty to mull over. Not your customary light post-brunch musing on this delightful Sunday afternoon. Well, all this was triggered by a heated debate with my father and mother. I will post my thoughts on this subject soon. The year is ending. My blog posts this year have been sparse. But with the new year there is a resolution to be more phosphorescent :)

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