Wednesday, January 24, 2007

orkut site contents relocated to here

One of the disciples of Dalai Lama rubber-necked and peeped into the seemingly holy scriptures that the Lama was referring to on his lap while meditating. To his utter astonishment, instead of Buddha's teachings it was O'Reilly's C# for beginners edition 1. 'With the global IT revolution taking over, we got to be prepared' grinned the wise man to his disciple.

NIIT Chennai has started evening classes for off-duty traffic policemen, vegetable vendors, dhobis (washermen) and such people to learn Oracle 9i. I realized this recently when I stopped at a traffic light in Chennai. The traffic constable grins at me "Do you know what Sybase Stored-Procedures are?" I gaped open-mouthed as he waved his wand and said, 'Green light mister. keep moving'. I sped from that spot, quite dazed.

Ofcourse everyone knows about the miracle baby born in a Government Hospital in India. Its father was a simple construction worker earning minimum wages, mother was a house maid doing chores for minimum wages and the baby weighing in at 6 pounds smiled at the nurse who delivered the baby and spoke its first words within the first 30 minutes of being born - "microsoft...glug! glug!". Media flash-bulbs went off in a frenzy at the IT baby, a boon to India.
If you share my passion for poetry read this for imagery:
and the controversy surrounding it:
(I love what Gibran has to say about thought being a bird of space which in its cage of words can indeed flap its wings but cannot fly....profound!)

Love my passage through BITS Pilani.
If you are a BITSian out there somewhere and you should chance upon my website do not hesitate writing to me., and have plenty of videos with several themes free to watch. I watch a lot of dance choreography since I used to do that a lot in college. (have I become an old dog that cant learn...?!) Just a rhetoric dont answer that!:)

I am a big movie buff. I have listed some of my favorite movies below.

Big-time fan of this guy Mr.Bean (Rowan Atkinson)
That a guy can turn into a cartoon character is quite hilarious!

I am a fan of TinTin, Asterisk Obelix, short stories of O. Henry, Jeffrey Archer, Greek Mythology (unmatched imagination in my opinion), and science fiction like Asimov and Greg Bear. My serious hobby is writing poetry and short stories and I am happy to say they are print-worthy material.

Another hobby is raising fish:
I am still not ready to raise Discus fish which is kind of a challenge... workin' on it!!

I have an ecclectic choice of music ranging from metal to trance to ethnic and indian music. I have listed some of my favorites.

Thanks for reading my profile and Good Luck! I leave you with some quotes:
"My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher. "-Socrates. (I already am one!)
"If all you got is a hammer everything around you looks like a nail" - Anon.
"Perfection is attained at the point of collapse" - James Stroustrup.
"I am not sure how the World War III is going to be fought but I know how the World War IV is going to be fought - using sticks and stones"
-Albert Einstein
"If there is a way to overcome the suffering, then there is no need to worry; if there is no way to overcome the suffering, then there is no use in worrying."

Two posts in same day!

Currently I am relocating all the orkut site's contents to this new blog site. Readers complained that if I had too much contents in the About-Me section of orkut then I come across as being conceited and egotistic and trying too hard to impress. Since when did talking about oneself proudly - about one's accomplishments, one's life, one's beliefs and ones interests become boring to others?

Maybe orkut is not a forum to post the contents; who knows... But blogging seems to captivate my imagination now so I will post my messages here. Yes orkut might receive a step-motherly treatment from me for a while. Or maybe I will be able to share my affections between this blog and orkut. Lets see!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I got to be more frequent with new blog postings

Today I watched a movie called An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. Each one has a different genre of movies as a preference. Some say they like Chick-flicks like Legally Blonde, some say they are into horror movies because they want the thrill-factor so movies like SAW part 1, part 2 and part3 seem to delight them, and there are those who are into TNT movies; they just tingle top to bottom watching Frank Sinatra crooning away or Fred Astaire and Judy Gartand tap-dancing in some 1950's movie; there are those who love drama - a nice mix of life events family reunions, a sprawling ranch where a large family grew up and where a storyline invariably involves one kid in the family going to war and how war changes their lifestyle and so on and so forth - drama, drama drama; and I have not even started talking about Western movies, international movies with quaint subtitles and translations, science fiction movies, animated movies, special effects movies and the list seems never-ending. Lumiere brothers would be stunned at what their little invention - the film has spun off - a booming industry lofted high on the shoulders of its patrons - us the avid viewers enraptured by the moving images.

Well my long suffering reader the message is clear - SAVE THE PLANET. After watching this documentary I sobered up and decided to do my mite everyday for the planet. The first thing I could think of doing rightaway was to email to all of my friends to watch this movie. Spreading the spirit and consciousness is as much important as anything else in this concerted effort to save the planet.

If you are a like-minded friend become my ally and fight the forces of destruction that elevate global pollution, global warming, global climate change and make this planet green and peaceful.

Thanks for reading. Over and out!